late permed and set hairdo made him look like a contestant in a beauty pageant.

Because of his mother's determination, he had learned quickly and his voice, movements and makeup made his true male gender undetectable. She had spent a LOT of money for clothes, instruction and therapeutic aids. He was wearing a pretty velvety satin dress with a full, ruffled skirt and summery strappless bodice with a big bow in the back.

All the traditional wedding activities took place. Both brides removed each other's garter and tossed them to the crowd. Jeff caught Suzanne's! Both tossed their bridal bouquet's over their shoulder. Low and behold, Tani snatched Julian's from the air, while Bonnie caught Suzanne's. Jeff and Tani's eyes met and a knowing smile crossed their lips.

Just before it was time to make their honeymoon getaway, Bill came up and handed the newlyweds their marriage certificate and another legal looking document.

Julian's mouth dropped when he was handed the "Change of Status" document to sign. Bill smiled and said, "Society can't have a 'doll' like you running around with 'male' on your identification. You'll be getting a new driving license and I pulled some strings for a new birth certificate. I can't send this in until the 'male-female' marriage is certified."

A chill came over Julian as he realized what this meanthis marriage was legal but he would be legally a female. Since they would be living a two girls, Julian looked at the box marked "sex" and entered "F", then signed the document.

"That's it, my dear," Bill announced, "You are femalewith all the rights heretofore belonging to the former opposite sex-now your sex. You can wear dresses, must wear a top at the beach, could marry a male and expected to have children!" Bill laughed at his little joke..

Julian felt a stirring in the lacy confines of his panties, making his thighs press tightly together in a vice-like grip.

Bill smiled seeing the 'effect' of his surprise. He was delighted to participate in the feminizing of such an adorable young man. He saw a boy so very innocent, just learning the pleasures his smooth, delicate features could offer. His trustful demure added to his frail form-from neck to feet Julian made a most tantalizing package.

Bill had barely been able to restrain himself watching Julian walking about in his wedding gown. So exquisitely did


Julian wedding dress was constricting...something that as a woman he'd just have to get used to.

his bottom and thighs move. .so radiant did his body undulate...so innocently provocative.

Bill examined all the feminized boys. Even under closed inspection, the girlish allure remained in most. He couldn't take his eyes off one boy. He was so virtuous appearing. The impression of a pristine young girl; even his nails were done in a natural polish so that they shone without being gaudy. His shapely arms were graceful and smooth, the dress he wore was naked to the shoulders where the blossoming cleavage of an unblemished bosom peeked.

Bill made his way over to the boy and his mother. "Hi," Bill said, inhaling the delicious perfume surrounding the feminized youth, "Having a good time?"